On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 08:10:18AM -0500, Sean Proctor wrote:
[ snip ]
> ... Anyway, Gentoo has a much
> different niche than Debian, so I don't understand why people are arguing
> about changing Debian because of it.  If Gentoo serves their needs better,
> good.  Perhaps Debian can then focus less on those people and more on others?
> Why duplicate work, right?  (BTW, sorry for the anecdote, I know how much
> they're hated here. ;-)

No way!  Debian has to be all things to all people!!!!  Specifically,
it has to be what I[1] want it to be!!  If you don't agree, you must
be defective or something!!

[1] You know who you are.

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You can have Peace, or you can have Freedom. Don't ever count on
  having both at the same time.
          -- Robert A. Heinlein

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