--- Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) Option to compile dependances as opposed to
> > automatically downloading the dependant packages.
> I believe that apt-build can do this. Unfortunatly,

Ok, I haven't looked at apt-build yet.

> > 2) Option to add additional compile flags to gcc.
> pentium-builder lets you bolt this onto the side,
> but is a hack. Doing

That great, got that installed so I'll have a play :-)

> > 3) Option not to create a .deb file.  I wouldn't
> want
> > this but some people might.
> apt-src only builds debian packages if you pass it
> the --build option

Whoops, I should rtfm a bit more closely.

> > 4) With depandancies it would be nice to be told
> what
> > must be installed and what depandancies are
> optional.
> We don't have a Build-Recommends or Build-Suggests,
> and it's not clear
> they're worthwhile at all (from the perspective of
> autobuilders).

I more thinking along the lines of xyz apps need X and
can optionally have GTK or QT as front end.  So
apt-src would inform you that you need X for it to
work and the rest to get the fancy bits.
> I could add an option to apt-src to make it not
> resolve any build
> dependencies, and just warn about missing ones or
> something.

That would be OK, although maybe a bit painful if
there are a lot.  Again the required vs. optional
would need to be made clear.
> > 5) Not sure it this is possible, but maybe
> downloading
> > source directly from author's site??
> Not something I want to touch. Maybe if everyone
> added watch files to
> their packages, then use uscan.

Fair enough.


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