> > If a system simply declared a section of data to be
> > UniCode data, and made no attempt to comprehend the contents, it
> > probably would not need to have access to the contents of Unicode.txt.
> Just like if a system simply declared a section of data to be
> code complaint to Fortran-2026, and if it made no attempt to
> comprehend it, it wouldn't need access to the contents of that
> standard. A text-processing program that needs to display data is 
> going to need the contents of UnicodeData for BiDi. A proper
> cut program should use UnicodeData, so it doesn't seperate a 
> character from a subsequent combining character. A spell program 
> is going to need the data to know which characters end words. 
> Anything that handles text in a way more complex then cat will
> access to this data.

OK, now, supposing that the unicode license is found to be non-DSFG
free, and hence that UnicodeData.txt is non-free.

Suppose a program implements either unicode collation, regular expressions, 
or any of the other things mentioned above.

(collation is at: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr10/,
regular expressions are at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr18/)

Can the program be in debian main?

In other words, does the program "require ... non-free packages or
packages which are not in our archive at all for ...  execution"?

Jim Penny

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