David B Harris writes:
> Could you point me at the documentation in question?

                          Debian Packaging Manual

                   Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               Revised: David A. Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

            Maintainer: Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

            Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Maintainer: The Debian Policy group <debian-policy@lists.debian.org>

                        version, 1999-11-22


7. Descriptions of packages - the `Description' field

     The `Description' control file field is used by `dselect' when the
     user is selecting which packages to install and by `dpkg' when it
     displays information about the status of packages and so forth.  It is
     included on the FTP site in the `Packages' files, and may also be used
     by the Debian WWW pages.

     The description is intended to describe the program to a user who has
     never met it before so that they know whether they want to install it.
     It should also give information about the significant dependencies and
     conflicts between this package and others, so that the user knows why
     these dependencies and conflicts have been declared.

     The field's format is as follows:

            Description: <single line synopsis>
            <extended description over several lines>

     The synopsis is often printed in lists of packages and so forth, and
     should be as informative as possible.  Every package should also have
     an extended description.

7.1. Types of formatting line in the extended description

        * Those starting with a single space are part of a paragraph.
          Successive lines of this form will be word-wrapped when
          displayed.  The leading space will usually be stripped off.

        * Those starting with two or more spaces.  These will be displayed
          verbatim.  If the display cannot be panned horizontally the
          displaying program will linewrap them `hard' (ie, without taking
          account of word breaks).  If it can they will be allowed to trail
          off to the right.  None, one or two initial spaces may be
          deleted, but the number of spaces deleted from each line will be
          the same (so that you can have indenting work correctly, for

        * Those containing a single space followed by a single full stop
          character.  These are rendered as blank lines.  This is the
          _only_ way to get a blank line - see below.

        * Those containing a space, a full stop and some more characters.
          These are for future expansion.  Do not use them.

7.2. Notes about writing descriptions

     _Always_ start extended description lines with at least one whitespace
     character.  Fields in the control file and in the Packages file are
     separated by field names starting in the first column, just as message
     header fields are in RFC822.  Forgetting the whitespace will cause
     `dpkg-deb' [1] to produce a syntax error when trying to build the
     package.  If you force it to build anyway `dpkg' will refuse to
     install the resulting mess.

     [1]  Version 0.93.23 or later.

     _Do not_ include any completely _empty_ lines.  These separate
     different records in the Packages file and different packages in the
     `debian/control' file, and are forbidden in package control files.
     See the previous paragraph for what happens if you get this wrong.

     The single line synopsis should be kept brief - certainly under 80
     characters.  `dselect' displays between 25 and 49 characters without
     panning if you're using an 80-column terminal, depending on what
     display options are in effect.

     Do not include the package name in the synopsis line.  The display
     software knows how to display this already, and you do not need to
     state it.  Remember that in many situations the user may only see the
     synopsis line - make it as informative as you can.

     The extended description should describe what the package does and how
     it relates to the rest of the system (in terms of, for example, which
     subsystem it is which part of).

     The blurb that comes with a program in its announcements and/or
     `README' files is rarely suitable for use in a description.  It is
     usually aimed at people who are already in the community where the
     package is used.  The description field needs to make sense to anyone,
     even people who have no idea about any of the things the package deals

     Put important information first, both in the synopis and extended
     description.  Sometimes only the first part of the synopsis or of the
     description will be displayed.  You can assume that there will usually
     be a way to see the whole extended description.

     You may include information about dependencies and so forth in the
     extended description, if you wish.

     Do not use tab characters.  Their effect is not predictable.

     Do not try to linewrap the summary (the part on the same line as the
     field name `Description') into the extended description.  This will
     not work correctly when the full description is displayed, and makes
     no sense where only the summary is available.

7.3. Example description in control file for Smail

  Package: smail
  Maintainer: Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Recommends: pine | mailx | elm | emacs | mail-user-agent
  Suggests: metamail
  Depends: cron, libc5
  Conflicts: sendmail
  Provides: mail-transport-agent
  Description: Electronic mail transport system.
  Smail is the recommended mail transport agent (MTA) for Debian.
  An MTA is the innards of the mail system - it takes messages from
  user-friendly mailer programs and arranges for them to be delivered
  locally or passed on to other systems as required.
  In order to make use of it you must have one or more user level
  mailreader programs such as elm, pine, mailx or Emacs (which has Rmail
  and VM as mailreaders) installed.  If you wish to send messages other
  than just to other users of your system you must also have appropriate
  networking support, in the form of IP or UUCP.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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