On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Nick Phillips wrote:

> /me wonders whether some concept of namespaces in package names would
> be useful before we make it too easy for world + dog to run large
> repositories of .debs - Ximian was bad enough on its own, last I had to
> recover a system from someone using it... I dread to think how many
> versions of things like libgtksomeguicrapthatkeepsmakingabichanges
> (all mutually conflicting, and all required by something you *really
> need*) we'll end up with if people are easily able to maintain separate
> repositories.

I do not agree with you for different reasons. First of all noone forces
people to add private archives to their sources.list. If users do that
they should know that things can break more easily. Sometimes private
archive are really usefull for pre-testing pkgs before they enter debian.


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