On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, BugScan reporter wrote:

> Package: xscreensaver (debian/main)
> Maintainer: Karl Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   171772 [       ] Alarm clock error
>   180063 [       ] xscreensaver: exit on X Error after any authentication 
> attempt
Xscreensaver has a lot of bugs tagged pending, a lot of "fixed in NMU" but
not closed bugs and moreover a new upstream version which might perhaps
fix something.

Moreover I wonder if I'm correct if  suspect that the files


belong to /etc because it might be possible to change these xml files
to influence the behaviour of the hacks so they are configuration files.
I did not investigated deeply here but someone with more xscreensaver
experience might perhaps check this.  This would be another release critical
but easy to fix bug.

Anybody wants to care about this package?

Kind regards


Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
John F. Kennedy

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