How can I collect an up-to-date Hardware Compatibility List by inspecting (which) Kernel-Code(-Parts)? (How are the SuSE people for example do this-they have a very big HCL but I don't know if Debian can use the same HCL-?)

Nor, nor could they really-- SuSE generates their list by people paying them money to say their hardware is certified under SuSE Linux. Debian has no such entity for people to pay us, and we're not as a rule very interested in doing so. Furthermore, distributions like SuSE and Red Hat not only heavily patch the kernels they release, they also rely on their customers not generating a custom kernel; it's my impression that Debian users, as a rule, are much more likely to do so.

If someone can answer this question I will start working on this so there will some up-to-date HCL for Woody.

First you'll have to define what you mean by HCL. What goes on the list? Is it sufficient for a network card to respond to ifup, or should it perform within some epsilon of its rated speed? What about a SCSI card? Should it be measured to work with disks, scanners, tape drives, and ghod knows what else? Some driver/hardware bugs show up only after a hundred hours or so of continuous operation; how long should a device be tested until it's considered 'compatible'? How do you maintain the list? What kinds of changes would require a recertification, and what kinds wouldn't?

That's not to say this isn't a useful or interesting question to ask; just make sure you realize what you're getting yourself into when you do.


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