
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 13:54:06 +0000, Michael Banck wrote:
> Guess what people are trying to do. It's hunting season guys. It's
> bug-squashing *year*, OK? We can only release sarge if we start working
> on RC-bugs *NOW*, like asuffield does. 

Oh, I don't know, we could start by re-classifying them as "wishlist".


> I did a couple of NMUs for RC
> bugs in the last days - I uploaded straight to DELAYED/7-day, sent a
> mail with a diff to the BTS and set the bug to +pending. So far, I did
> not get much complaints.

Hmm. If I wanted to do something like that (not too sure yet) I'd have to
go through a sponsor. That doesn't sound like a net reduction of work...


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