From: Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#189370: acknowledged by developer (irrelevant)
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 20:52:43 -0500

> > Sorry to say but I should say that you don't have enough knowledge
> > about TeX system.
>       Ah, pissing contest. OK, I have been building TeX since 1989,
>  when we used to buy tapes and compile TeX  on a dozen Unix systems at
>  the university. This was before TeTeX, before Debian, and even Before
>  Linux. So, I have 14 years of experience with TeX -- how much more do
>  I need to have to reach the exalted levels of experience you have
>  with the system?

Perhaps you are happy because you would live happily
with only original TeX.  Did you ever try to install
jadetex, xmltex, alml,jtex, ptex, dvipsk-ja etc. and
make them work fine?

They all depends on infrastructure tetex provides.

Only the genuine TeX experience is NOT sufficient at all
for tetex maintenance.

For example, jadetex had an installation failure bug
for a long time and it was fixed very recently with
some way, I didn't want to mention how.

> > I suspect that you think that user's change beaks tetex but not so
> > really.  And It is not simply "tetex break" but whole TeX system
> > doen't work without new scheme.
>       Fine. And the admin made the decision. You never, ever,
>  pretend you know better than the local admin and blow away
>  changes. If the system breaks, the admin did so with their decisions,
>  and they can always change local configuration to make TeX work
>  again. 

Did you say so with realizing that installation itself
failed with many packages without the current mechanism?

>       So, how long have you been using TeX? My first TeX document is
>  time stamped Jun 13th, 1988.

Fine, then it is easy to discuss.  Did you use kpathsea
mechanism which was fairy recent feature?  Did you use
"//" in TEXINPUTS etc. which was also fairy recent feature?

Or you stick to the old good day's style of lising all 
directories in every TEX* variables?

Thanks,                   2003-4-21(Mon)

 Debian Developer & Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Department of Math., Tokushima Univ.

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