Hi Jeremy.  I'm an attorney, but I'm no longer active.  I'm working as a
system administrator for Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
(http://www.ttuhsc.edu) in Lubbock, Texas.  I've been using Linux since
1996, and specifically Debian since 2001.  I actively script with Perl
(since 1998) and PHP (1999) and am currently learning C++.  I'm not a
Debian Developer (yet -- I have aspirations, but just can't get a damned
package built), but I'm interested in your Debian-Lex project.

I haven't actively practiced law since 10.2001.  However, when I did
practice, I was active on the American Bar Association's LawTech email
list and various others.  My wife works in the legal field (she is a
legal secretary) and many of my friends are attorneys, so I've managed
to maintain a connection to the field and related technologies.

I subscribe to debian-devel, but believe that I quite often miss out on
what I consider to be important threads simply because I have _way_ too
much email.  I simply can't keep up.  I'll be watching for anything
concerning Debian-Lex, but in the event you don't hear from me, please
contact me.  I'd like to see what it is that I can contribute to your

Thanks for your time, and good luck to you.
|                                                   |
| There's a difference between being grumpy and     |
| hating every little fucker in existence.          |
|                                                   |
| http://monticello.biz     : technology that works |
| http://exitwound.org      : hard to find          |
| http://buckowensfan.com   : he's the man          |

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