On Thu, 24 Apr 2003 11:52:33 +0900 (JST), Atsuhito Kohda

> Now my understanding is;
>     the new mechanism might be okay if it first checks whether
>     texmf.cnf is an admin's file or a file generated by update-texmf
>     before generating texmf.cnf and overwrites it only in the case
>     it was a file generated by the script (for example, with the way
>     of update-modules).

> Is this right?

        Not quite. a) even if the file was generated by update-texmf,
 and the user modified it later, the user changes *must* be
 preserved. Secondly, You are missing the fact that you ought to ask
 if the user wants your new file or not. We can't just leave the user
 out in the cold if they have local modifications to the file.

        dpkg sets the gold standard for both allowing the user a
 chance to examine the changes, and have a choice about whether or not
 they wish to accept the changes. And not just once, but every time
 the maintainer script changes -- because this particular time the
 change may be just enough to make me change my mind, one way or the

        So no, I don't think the behaviour described above is

Wharbat darbid yarbou sarbay?
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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