Bas Zoetekouw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> BTW: do you have any quantative numbers on the i386/i486 performance
> issues (e.g. for openssl)?

I hacked up a quick script (<>) that compares
two 'openssl speed' outputs and gives you the ratio, here's the output
for i386 vs i486 on a P-III Mobile:

type         16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2             1.009        1.022        0.992        0.994        1.000
md4             1.182        1.074        1.152        1.070        1.018
md5             1.351        1.596        2.079        2.902        3.443
hmac(md5)       1.385        1.499        1.834        2.532        3.318
sha1            1.157        1.520        1.553        1.607        1.608
rmd160          1.172        1.276        1.398        1.495        1.552
rc4             1.387        1.366        1.378        1.362        1.352
des cbc         1.980        1.961        1.958        1.957        1.991
des ede3        2.057        2.063        2.096        2.083        2.089
rc2 cbc         0.996        0.989        0.998        0.998        0.991
blowfish cbc    1.246        1.236        1.244        1.248        1.246
cast cbc        0.981        0.993        1.008        1.012        0.995
aes-128 cbc     0.997        1.015        1.015        1.006        0.999
aes-192 cbc     1.028        1.009        1.010        1.021        1.010
aes-256 cbc     1.021        1.017        1.023        1.016        1.015
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits    0.559    0.667    1.772    1.759
rsa 1024 bits    0.495    0.556    2.013    1.900
rsa 2048 bits    0.489    0.516    2.056    1.950
rsa 4096 bits    0.496    0.514    2.000    1.944
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits    0.533    0.514    1.918    1.991
dsa 1024 bits    0.489    0.495    2.026    2.031
dsa 2048 bits    0.495    0.483    2.015    2.071

For i486 vs i686/cmov the results are less impressive:

type         16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2             1.042        1.017        1.050        1.045        1.047
md4             1.042        1.035        0.942        0.972        0.997
md5             1.155        1.141        1.100        1.023        0.989
hmac(md5)       1.268        1.243        1.206        1.110        1.030
sha1            1.032        1.040        1.026        1.006        1.006
rmd160          1.032        1.014        1.011        1.014        1.011
rc4             1.002        1.001        0.990        0.988        1.003
des cbc         1.000        1.003        0.995        1.000        0.987
des ede3        0.991        1.006        0.992        1.002        1.001
rc2 cbc         1.004        1.008        1.011        1.008        1.011
blowfish cbc    1.001        0.994        1.005        1.001        1.010
cast cbc        0.983        0.991        0.979        0.985        0.995
aes-128 cbc     1.006        1.007        1.013        1.018        1.021
aes-192 cbc     1.010        1.008        1.014        1.000        1.012
aes-256 cbc     1.006        1.010        0.996        1.003        1.007
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
rsa  512 bits    1.000    1.000    0.990    1.002
rsa 1024 bits    1.000    1.000    0.999    1.004
rsa 2048 bits    0.996    1.000    1.005    0.998
rsa 4096 bits    1.002    1.000    0.964    1.000
                  sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
dsa  512 bits    1.000    1.000    1.003    1.008
dsa 1024 bits    1.000    1.000    1.002    1.002
dsa 2048 bits    1.000    1.028    0.998    0.977


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