On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 09:46:47PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Apr 2003 17:06:14 -0400, David Roundy
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:  
> > probably wouldn't hid mp3blaster.  Maybe novices should only be
> > shown gui programs after all.  They probably don't want to be using
> > a shell anyways...
> I would object to such a major disservice to people just
> because they happen to be new to Linux.  This is blatant
> discrimination. 

I wasn't saying that novices shouldn't be using a shell.  Just that I do
think it would be helpful to allow novices, if they wish, to browse only
those packages which don't require the use of a shell, which hardly seems
discriminatory to me.
David Roundy

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