On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 12:10:08PM -0500, Clay Crouch wrote:
> It has become quite clear that the culture that the DD community
> shares has evolved in my absence. My absence disallowed me to
> evolve with it. The culture you now enjoy is not the one I left.

Eh?  Culture?  Look, your anti-spam measures offend *me personally*.  This 
isn't a "Debian culture" thing.  I reserve the right to be annoyed at having 
to jump through hoops to get email to others with whom I work.  And judging 
by the other responses in this thread, I'm not alone. 

> I truly didn't expect to be attacked on my first post. I also
> truly didn't expect to be further lambasted from all quarters
> for responding to them.

You weren't attacked on your first post.  Look carefully again at the first
reply.  It was very polite.  It was not an attack.  *Your* response to that
post, however, was far from friendly.  It was bristling with self-righteous
indignation.  After that, it was all downhill. 

> I know now that I have no place in your current culture. Debian
> has moved on, and so have I. The old saw about never being able
> to go "back" has just been reinforced in my mind.

There is no "Debian" in this incident.  There are just a handful of 
individual members of this list who were annoyed at your anti-spam policy 
sig.  I'm willing to bet it would have been just as unwelcome in any other 
random non-trivial sized group of people who are supposed to be cooperating 
together online on a project.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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