Thank you for the kind reply, Michael.

I apparently do not understand how to properly retitle a bug yet. I
have been lurking, so I will examine the numerous examples to grok
the proper method. I fear I went off half-cocked at the first

I lurk on d-announce, d-devel-announce, d-mentors, d-newmaint,
d-news, d-qa, d-wnpp, and bugs.debian. Reading the mail is helping
me understand how I may help the Debian effort. I will proceed as
you suggest, but please have patience. fgd. kl7fhx

On Wed, 14 May 2003 22:29:58 +0200
Michael Fedrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 09:34:02AM -0800, Fielder George Dowding
> wrote:
>  Hi,
> > As a result of the lack of action on Mr. Take's part regarding
> > these outstanding bug reports, the Defoma package has been
> > listed as orphaned (#180188) before the critical bug (#181749)
> > was submitted. I am attempting to step up to the plate, and I am
> > experiencing a high level of difficulties unravelling the many
> > instructions for becominig a maintainer
> You might want to start by properly retitling the bug.
> However if you're talking about becoming DD: that takes its time
> it would certainly be nice to have fixed packages before then. I'd
> be willing to sponsor uploads.
> > as well as groking the source code (perl with a bash or sh
> > script against which bug #181749 has been filed).
> IMNSHO defoma is an unmaintainable mess that not only needs to be
> rewritten but also redesigned from scratch. But if you really want
> to deal with the current code base, your second high priority item
> beside the bug mentioned above should be the scalability issues
> (bugs #143818,#179099).
> It might also be a good idea to set up a project on Alioth, if
> there's enough interest.
> -Michael

Fielder George Dowding, Chief Iceworm
dba Iceworm Enterprises, Anchorage, Alaska
Since 1976 - Over 25 Years of Service.

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