W liście z czw, 15-05-2003, godz. 15:23, Wouter Verhelst pisze: 
> I fail to see why it would be bad. It's not perfect, but that's far from
> the same thing. Moreover, I think your ideas would make things worse,
> rather than better.

It's not perfect. Importand bugs are for me:

* doesn't allow to choose what program use
* it skip more than one application for one type

Our task is to think, when it would be good, and what we're gonna do.

Of course, we can leave it as it is now, but then we won't go further in
making Debian better and more and more useful.

      .---,             --:   mcINEK   :--
     /  ,. \   '   T h e   O w l s  a r e  n o t     
    |  |  ; ;    W h a t   T h e y   S e e m . . .   '
     \ `._ /        wrote on Debian GNU/Linux SID

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