TSUCHIYA Masatoshi wrote:
On Thu, 15 May 2003 10:08:37 -0800
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fielder George Dowding) said as follows:

I use LaTeX2e and friends (almost daily).

I know that LaTeX-2.09 is obsolete, however I need it to process
ancient TeX sources without modification.

If your documents starts with a '\documentstyle{your_style}' call instead of a '\documentclass' one the 209 compatibility mode should automatically be activated. What kind of problems are you experiencing?


Agustin Martin Domingo, Dpto. de Fisica, ETS Arquitectura Madrid,
(U. Politecnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

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