* Brian May ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030521 02:35]:
> On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 08:00:21PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > The policy vetoe to symlinking intends (in my interpretation) two
> > goals. One is to ensure that the licences don't "change" unintendidly.
> > This could e.g. happen if there is a global file called GPL, the
> > packages link there copyright statement to it, and the GPL-file is
> > incremented from GPL version 2 and later to GPL version 3 by just one
> > misbehaving program. The other is to make sure the copyright file is
> > always available. Both traps are avoided in the case where the
> > documentation directory is symlinked to the base packages directory.

> What if the user has version 1 of abc installed, and version 2
> of abc-doc installed, AND /usr/share/doc/abc-doc is a symlink to
> /usr/share/doc/abc, AND the copyright changed between version 1 and
> version 2?

It seems you didn't read my mail. I said "the second one depends on
=first-package-version". If a user really manages to install version 2
of the base-package and version 1 of the development package, in spite
of the fact that the development package depends on exactly the same
version as base package, he has to live with the results. A user with
root priviliges could always make a system unusable if doing too much
by hand. Also builing packages with the development package after that
will strongly fail, independed of the copyright notice.

On the other hand, if the second package is not marked to depend on
the same version, that would be a RC-bug that is to be fixed asap.
Please fill a bug report regarding wrong dependencies.

> Also I think it is worth pointing out in this circumstance that I
> may want to install abc-doc even though abc is not installed or is a
> different version (eg. to see what the package is like before installing
> it).

You can get that information with the changes file, or extract the
package in some subdirectory.

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