On Thu, 22 May 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> On Thu, 22 May 2003 22:39:02 +1000, Russell Coker
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:  
> > On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
> >> You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
> >> U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel
> >> about the U.S. governments acts or positions?
> > When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline
> > industries suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this
> > then it'll keep the American economy down.
>       I see. You all are personally taking action to make it harder
>  for my friends and relatives to find a job, or get decent health care
>  (my ex-boss has been looking for employment for 27 months now, and my
>  step daughter does not have a job with benefits), and you expect me
>  to have sympathy for your views?

Do you have a better way of encougaging the U.S.A. to take an alternate
stance?  It's fairly clear that they don't actually give a shit about the UN
or anyone else, so we can't just "express our displeasure" and expect Bush
and cronies to give a shit.

The citizens of the US have a little more power than the rest of the world,
in that you have a *vote* as to who gets to fuck the rest of the world.  So,
it goes like this:

* The rest of the world is sick to death of US imperialism;

* The US government ignores world opinion and does it's thing;

* The rest of the world puts pressure on the US people to change things,
since they've at least got half a chance to make changes;

* The US people make the change, or live with the consequences of not

Remember, the rest of the world does *not* owe you and yours a living.

>       You are taking personal actions inimical to the standard of
>  living of me and my loved ones in retaliation for actions by my
>  government (which I have little control over), and you expect me to
>  roll over and congratulate you all on your stance? Hell, my first
>  instinct is to try and see how I can retaliate.

Not looking for congratulations.  Again, from where I'm sitting, you've got
more direct influence over US policy than I do.  If you have a better
suggestion of how foreigners can influence US policy, I'd love to hear it.

>       Let me clue all of you in: anyone who takes a stand and tries
>  to hurt the US economy, I see as a taking action inimical to me, and
>  my loved ones, and I do *NOT* see that as friendly action. 

And most of the world does not see the actions of your government (and,
since you live in a "democracy" it truly is *your* government - remember,
"of the people, by the people, and for the people", or some such) as overly
friendly, I don't quite see the problem.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

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