On Sun, 25 May 2003 23:03:36 +0200, Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm perplexed about the mailing list request about Exim.
>On one hand, exim is an important package, and there are already ample
>precedents like debian-apache, debian-ssh and debian-tetex-maint;
>but on the other hand, there's alioth.debian.org which allows for easier
>creation and maintenance of per-package mailing lists.

Please note that the mailing list request was filed months ago - well
before alioth went into service - and that your e-mail is the first
reaction to the bug report filed. We actually discussed on the
internal exim mailing list whether to move the existing mailing list
to alioth and decided against doing so for lack of a web archive.

Anyway, the major work on exim 4 packaging is done, the mailing list
we used because we didn't hear a single word of reaction to bug
#166357 has seen about 900 messages in four months. I seriously doubt
that a debian-exim mailing list is needed any more after the major
packaging effort has been almost completely finished.

If Debian would like to offer mailing lists for internal projects,
response time to requests needs to be MUCH faster. At the current
state of affairs, the time spent with writing the request has been a
total waste.


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