On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 09:59:57AM +0200, Morten Brix Pedersen wrote:
> In implementing it, I have encountered some issues which I would appreciate
> input on.
> 1) The sections that are normally used within the Category field in a .desktop
> file isn't the same as with menu. Here I have decided to make menu
> automatically convert a category into menus system. E.g. Category:
> Application;WordProcessor will be changed to Apps/Editors.

Aiui Category can contain any number of tags in any order so you may
want to keep that in mind (if you didn't think about it yet).

> 2) The current menu files use a "needs" field to designate whether the
> application uses console or X11 (e.g. needs="text"). In our .desktop
> files, this field will be named X-Menu-Needs and will only be required
> for non-X11 applications. (so current GNOME/KDE .desktop entries won't
> have to be changed)

This can't be translated simply as "ConsoleOnly"? As below:


ConsoleOnly - Application that only works inside a terminal (text-based
              or command line application).

There is also a "Shell" category for shells such as bash.


> 3) The current menu files has a "package" field to designate which
> package must be installed before the menu file will be used. In our
> .desktop files, this field will be named X-Menu-Package. But I'm unsure
> whether we should still require this field. Not requiring it might break
> some menu entries; but requiring it will force us to change upstreams
> .desktop files with the addition of X-Menu-Package.

What actual cases is this field used in? I don't think I recall seeing it
used before. Shouldn't the menu entry exist in the package it must have
installed (I suppose I could be missing something).

Also we probably should prefix Debian specific desktop files to avoid
namespace collisions (like debian-foo.desktop) as the desktop spec


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