Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jun 2003 07:42:05 +1000, Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
>> Matt Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 09:07:00PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
>>>> OK.  Let me ask you this question: what if the maintainer uploads
>>>> a new upstream release which happens to fix bug #xxx, and then
>>>> sends a message by hand to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
>>>> message "This bug is fixed in upstream version x.y.z".
>>>> Do you have a problem with this and if so why?
>>> Yes.  There is no record in the package that a bug report in the
>>> Debian BTS was closed in this version.  What about other users who
>>> experienced the same
>> Why should that be in the package? What if you didn't know at the
>> time that the bug was fixed in this version?
>        Huh? 

Please read my paragraph that you quoted above.  I'm talking about the
case where the user has filed a bug against version x.y-1.  Now suppose
for a moment that this bug is already fixed in x.z-1.  Do you have any
objections to the maintainer sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the explanation that the bug is already fixed in x.z-1?

>> Remember that I'm talking about closing a bug in the BTS by hand.
>> So what was fixed is obvious.  If you want to require everyone to
>> explain how it was fixed, well I don't think there is anything more
>> I can say to you.
>        Why, thank you. I am so stating: bug closed without
> explanation need to be reopened. And since you have nothing to say to
> me, I suppose this flame war is winding down?

It must be since the comprehension level has dropped remarkably.
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