
I want to gain some insight in how well my bayesian spam filter [1,2] 
works over time and, hence, want to plot the trends of my regular inbox 
in comparison to my spambox (that is, the spam properly identified as 
spam) and the false negatives (not identified as spam).  

The statistics as generated on the Debian website [3] seems to already 
implement exactly what I want but I cannot find the scripts that generate 
them.  Does anybody know who maintains them and/or if they are available 
some place?

Thanks a lot,


 1.  http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html
 2.  http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/
 3.  http://lists.debian.org/stats/debian-www.png

PGP 0x4A34DD6D, http://bunny.sourceforge.net/

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