Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> Package: libtext-charwidth-perl
> Description: Get width of characters on terminal
>  This module permits perl softwares to get the width of characters
>  and strings on terminal, using wcwidth() and wcswidth() in C.
>  .
>  It provides mbwidth(), mbswidth(), and mblen().

s/width of characters (and strings)? on terminal/
  display width of characters and strings on the terminal/x;
(or at least, s/on terminal/on the terminal/)
s/in C/from libc/;

> Package: libtext-wrapi18n-perl
> Description: International substitution of Text::Wrap
>  This module intends to substitute Text::Wrap, which supports
>  multibyte characters such as UTF-8, EUC-JP, and GB2312, fullwidth
>  characters such as east Asian characters, combining characters
>  such as diacritical marks and Thai, and languages which don't
>  use whitespaces between words such as Chinese and Japanese.
>  .
>  It provides wrap().

s/International substitution/internationalized substitute/;
s/intends to substitute/is a substitution for/;
s/, which supports/, supporting/;

> License: perl

Be careful of the tough new perl licensing policy of the ftp master.

> Since these packages have to be Depends:ed by debconf package,
> Priority: of these packages have to be important.  (Joey and I
> have agreed on this point, please see the debian-i18n thread.)


see shy jo

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