On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Dan Jacobson wrote:

> Fellas, looking in the Packages files, some big packages have little
> descriptions, some little packages have big descriptions, but on the average,
> 11938 packages
> avg size 510963
> avg description 7.70431 lines
> avg. bytes per description lines 66321.8
> For instance, the prestigious emacs21 needs only one line, as
> everybody who is anybody is supposed to know what it is all about.
> Computed with
> cd /var/lib/apt/lists/&& ls -S|sed q|xargs awk '\
> /^Size:/{size+=$2;packages++};/Description:/,/^$/{lines++};\
> END{lines-=packages;print packages,"packages\navg size",\
>  size/packages"\navg description",\
> lines/packages, "lines\navg. bytes per description lines",\
> size/lines}'

This has exactly what to do with your (sub-average) intelligence?

I say it relates to your intelligence at 98%.

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