On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:56:03PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> the worst culprits are usually sets of binary packages from the one source 
> file
> which have package descriptions like libfoo-dev = "dev files for libfoo",
> libfoo-doc = "documention for libfoo", and libfoo = "runtime files for foo
> library", without bothering to describe what "foo" actually is.
> well, duh! like nobody would ever guess that a package called libfoo-doc was
> the documentation for libfoo.  tell the reader something we DON'T know.

But he knows what libfoo is - or at least he is just a

$ apt-cache show libfoo

away from that information. Do we need to duplicate the description of a
library package in each and every supporting package?



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