On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 06:41:21PM +0200, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Johannes Rohr wrote:
> > I'd say that writing a meaningful package description is certainly the
> > duty of the individual package maintainer. A package maintainer should
> > usually have an idea of what his/her package is good for, while Javier
> > would probably have to spend a lot more time to figure that out, at
> > least for lesser known packages.
> However, not providing a better description will (likely) not get
> anything done.

First, my guess is that it will be more effective than seem to
imply. Second, pointing out bugs without fixes is certainly what the
bug tracking system facilitates.

> > I don't think that filing a bug saying that "Your extended package
> > description does not meet Debian policy requirements. Please consider
> > writing 4-5 lines to give sysadmins an idea what your package can do
> > for them." means asking too much from a Debian maintainer.
> You don't. But I can't help but think that there are a lot of
> obvious maintainer's duties more or less neglected - often by simple
> obmission, but sometimes patterns show.

Often, as in this case, those lapses in obvious (and documented)
maintainer duties, constitute bugs in a package. Maybe I'm
misunderstanding something in your argument here.


Benj. Mako Hill

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