On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 02:08:46PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> >* what opcodes need to be emulated?
> <snip>
> >    * all 386->486 opcodes (there's just a few of them, right?)
> This is the correct answer. :-)  Then all programs can be compiled with
> gcc --arch=i486 --tune=i686 (which should probably be mandated as the 
> standard, in fact).
> >* do you need SMP on 80386?  Is there even such thing as 80386 SMP
> >  machines?  Not requiring SMP support would make the ABI change 
> >  trivial...
> I think there is no such thing as SMP for 80386.

There is afaik. Not in widespread use though, and the Linux kernel
hasn't been ported to that hardware.  I think we can safely ignore
this hardware without stepping on anyone's toes...

 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Northern lights wander      (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    (/   Full colour fire           (/

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