On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 01:50, Ryan Murray wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 06:48:06PM -0500, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> > Don't reopen bugs just because you think it's not fixed, I've spent
> > three or four hours testing libtool on mips this evening and I've not
> I'm not convinced it's fixed.  It's really easy to fix this.  Would
> you like me to NMU it?

Give me a test that I can fun on a mips box to replicate this.

And don't you fucking dare NMU my package over my head.

> > 1) I've tested it quite thoroughly
> > 2) libtool no longer uses file to check mips shared libraries
> Yet some builds still end up using the file_magic check (and give a message
> to file it as a libtool bug) even though they are using pass_all.

Point at one!  SHOW ME ONE!

If libtool is somehow using file_magic when deplibs_check_method is
pass_all, that's a far more serious problem than fixing a "commented
out" bit of code.

> > there's only a handful left and it's easy to see and understand which
> > platforms still need this.
> If you're going to leave the code in the libtool.m4 file, let's leave code
> that works.
I didn't leave that code there, upstream did -- and there's no reason to
remove it because it's *DEAD CODE*, there's no possible way, save for a
very bad bug in the shell, that it can be used.

> > Filing bugs against the Debian libtool package when there is a problem
> > with the Debian libtool package is fine.
> There is a problem with the package.  It has an incorrect file_magic check,
> and that is sometimes being used in freshly relibtoolized packages.

> > Let's use lprng as our guinea-pig, shall we?  That's certainly exhibited
> > this problem on mips...
> I said to *SEARCH* build logs, not randomly pick one that has had the problem
> due to being out of date.  We both know that if it's out of date, a change
> to the libtool package won't make a bit of difference.
I did.  I compiled 10 different packages on a mips box last night, all
of which had this warning in their most recent build logs.  After
libtoolizing again with 1.4.3-10, THE WARNING WENT AWAY.

I've proved to myself that it is fixed.  You've not even bothered doing
any testing, and can't replicate the problem.

Give me a package that uses the Debian 1.4.3-10 libtool and produces
this warning.

I can't find one!

If you can, I'll happily investigate why libtool is using file_magic

Changing a "comment" to match the current file output WILL NOT fix any
problem you think you might have.

Who is seriously getting tired of this.

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