On Sun, Jun 29, 2003 at 06:44:06PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > Is there any approach that we can avoid publicizing the third party code 
> > while porting to Linux? Do we need to write some shim layer code in Linux 
> > kernel to interface the third party code? How can we do that? Is there any 
> > document or samples?
> It is impossible. To say more, it is *meant* to be impossible.

it is no problem to offer binary only modules. As long as the porting can be
done as a loadable module, and does not use the GPL symbols this will work.

However this is strongly undesireable, will neighter get you commercial
success not is it a good (supportable) technical solution.

> Or they can also do like Nvidia and ignore the GPL restrictions, but it
> is just tolerated in this single case by Linus Torvalds, and may not be
> in other cases.

drivers and modules are allowed to be binary only.

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