On Sun, Jun 29, 2003 at 03:50:29PM -0500, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> The upstream maintainer of XMLTV, which I package for Debian, has
> temporarily forked the Perl Date::Manip module.  He says:
>    Over the past six months or so I've accumulated various bug fixes to
>    the Date::Manip module, most of them because of xmltv bug reports
>    sent by users.  Rather than wait any longer for the upstream
>    Date::Manip to incorporate the fixes I have made my own release
>    (intended as a temporary measure, not a permanent fork)... I've
>    updated xmltv to require this version of the module (since it does
>    fix several fairly important problems).
> I'm not entirely sure what to do with this.

A third option would be to use the dpkg diversion on libdate-manip-perl
files to install the fixed version. That's clearly an ugly hack, but it
could do the trick until either libdate-manip-perl upstream or its
maintainer do something to get the issues fixed.

Thanks, Mt.

Les rebelles disaient que les débutants avaient le droit d'utiliser un
"éditeur", qui ressemblait à MSWord comme sa mère à Pamela Anderson.
"Vihaille" comme les rebelles l'appellaient, était sans doute un bizutage
          -- L'histoire des pingouins

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