On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 11:56:41PM +0200, Koblinger Egmont wrote:
> order of files
> dpkg-deb puts the files in the .deb package in random order. I hate this
> misfeature since it's hard to eye-grep anything from ``dpkg -L'' or F3 in
> mc. We run ``dpkg-deb --build'' using the sortdir library ([4a], [4b]) which
> makes the files appear in the package in alphabetical order. I don't know
> how efficient rsync is if you split a file to some dozens or even hundreds
> of parts and shuffle them, and then syncronize this one with the original
> version. Anyway, I'm sure that sorting the files cannot hurt rsync, it can
> only help. I only guess that it really does help a lot.

It should put them in the package in the order they came from
readdir(), which will depend on the filesystem. This is normally the
order in which they were created, and should not vary when
rebuilding. As such, sorting the list probably doesn't change the
network traffic, but will slow dpkg-deb down on packages with large
directories in them.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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 `. `'                          | Imperial College,
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