[Andreas Barth]
> So I think this is fair enough and if neither the original requester
> nor any reader of debian-wnpp sees need for a package it really
> doesn't need to be packaged any more.

I have several packages which I am interested in getting packaged, but
I am neither the requester nor a reader of debian-wnpp.  Your
assertion is thus wrong in at least one case.  I believe it would be a
bad idea to close RFPs just because no one responds when you ask for
it.  I use a script to keep track of the progress of the packages I am
missing, and it will not detect new comments in the BTS entry.

So, please do not in general close old RFPs unless the package is
uploaded into Debian.  Some of them should probably be closed as the
package is dead upstream and there are better alternatives available,
but that is independent of the age of the RFP.

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