On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

> On Thursday 10 July 2003 18:35, Guenter Geiger (Debian/GNU) wrote:
> > * URL             : http://www.some.org/
> > * License         : GPL2
> >   Description     : linux audio developers configuration and connection API
> >
> > LADCCA is a session management system for JACK and ALSA audio
> > applications on GNU/Linux.
> Can you supply the URL of the project please ? And while you're at it, I'd in
> fact switch the short description and the long one, it says much more than
> the meaning of the raw abbreviation.

URL is http://pkl.net/~node/ladcca.html

Yes, I might elaborate on the description a bit (just took the title and
the  description from the project homepage.)

> One question also, JACKs homepage says it was written primarily for Linux does
> that mean it also runs on top of other kernels?
> ;)

Yes, JACK runs on OSX too, AFAIK.


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