On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 01:42:25PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 06:17:25PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > Where I come from, cheap hardware is old hardware, and old hardware has much
> > better support in Linux (and Debian) than new hardware.
> Where I come from, old hardware is unreliable hardware.

This would really only apply to disks, which have moving parts and small
tolerances.  When was the last time you had a motherboard, or CPU, or
network card, or a video card die because it was "too old"?  This stuff
isn't exactly perishable.  It lasts long beyond its obsolescence in most

> It's great that Debian works fine for you, but that doesn't mean everyone
> else can just do the exact same things you do and be as satisfied.
> Different circumstances, and different goals, and all that.

Yep.  It just means that you can't expect me to work in order to satisfy
other people's needs when I don't share them.

> Is there any chance we can accept that Debian does have a vast range of
> problems (like unpredictable release schedules, a lack of security updates
> for testing, and a lack of currency in unstable for a fair number of
> packages including X), and work on fixing them rather than having to
> continually argue about why they're necessary to fix and why we shouldn't
> just sweep them under the rug and hope no one notices?

Of course we can accept that Debian has a range of problems.  However,
complaining about them and trying to get other people to work harder, well,
doesn't work.

For example, you keep mentioning security updates for testing because you
want me to do extra work so that you can have something you want, even
though I already have more than enough to do.  This isn't likely to have the
desired effect.

On the other hand, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on how to release
Debian more often.

 - mdz

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