On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:51:10PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> Matt Zimmerman said:
> > I  do not think  that version  number milestones  are important  for a
> > release.   I   think  that  having   a  well-integrated,  high-quality
> > distribution is  important for  a release, and  this is not  so easily
> > monitored.
> Releasing with KDE 2.2, GNOME 1, and a default of GCC 2.95 would be just
> plain pathetic.

I don't run KDE or GNOME, so I care hardly at all what version we release
with.  Most of the people I know who use GNOME 1 are unhappy with the
current state of GNOME 2 anyway.  gcc I use, but 3.3 has been in testing for
some time now.

> So sometimes, version number milestones *are* important for a release.
> Admittedly, most of the time they are not such a big deal.

They are important to you, apparently, because otherwise we are "pathetic".
I personally do not feel the same way.

> I guess what really matters here is having versions which aren't
> ludicrously out of date.  Specifically, if something was released upstream
> over a year ago, and Debian releases with an even *older* version (without
> good reason), that's not good at all.

If something has been in unstable for a year and hasn't managed to have few
enough bugs to make it into testing, then I don't care to have it in the
release (either the older or newer version).

 - mdz

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