On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:36:58PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> Since then, the KDE maintainer decided to upload new KDE.  And hit 
> a new bug in GCC (3.3) on ia64, which is fixed in GCC CVS but not in 
> the current GCC upload.  The current GCC upload hasn't been built on 
> m68k (it appears to have timed out).  Of course, why bother building it 
> when a newer GCC is needed...
> But for that matter, the current GCC (and presumably any updated 
> version) apparently requires a new version of glibc to go into 
> 'testing'.  And the latest glibc needs a rebuild on SPARC.  Plus, it 
> has at least 5 RC bugs, so who knows when it'll make it into testing.
> So now it looks like KDE3 is a lot *further* from getting into sarge 
> than it was last week.
> I really don't know what can be done about this kind of thing, but it's 
> frustrating.

The same situation killed the new apt's chances of making it into testing as
well. :-/

 - mdz

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