Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 01:32:20PM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 08:01:35PM +0200, Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
> > > Someone should point NMs to difficulty of entering the development
> > > mainstream of FreeBSD or becoming maintainer for the kernel... 
> > > IMO it's generally too easy entering in Debian.
> > 
> > Becoming a maintainer of a new driver for the Linux kernel isn't that
> > difficult. You just have to convince a subsystem maintainer to take your
> > driver, which IME isn't very hard, definitely simpler than becoming a DD.
> About the same as finding a sponsor, then, with about the same ease of
> maintenance afterwards (i.e. you still have to run your changes past
> someone, not upload them directly).

At the linux day last month a becoming NM approach us at the debian
booth. She has some nice software packaged and already went through 3
Sponsors that offered to help and then just went MIA after a month.

MIA Sponsors is the other problem of the NM process.


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