
The package barrendero is a candidate for removal from testing.  It has
two RC bugs, no response from the maintainer, and the upstream website
seems to have vanished (the maintainer is also upstream).  It seems like
a useful tool:

Description: Deletes messages on the spool dir depending on their age.
 Barrendero is intended to limit the disk space wasted at the spool
 directory. It deletes mail messages depending on their age, and has
 the ability to send warnings and reports to the users, to make full
 and partial backups, and to have different allowed ages on a per-user
 Warning and report messages are cusomizable and can be translated easely
 in order to make this package useful in any environment.
 This way of handling mail as an advantage over the traditional 'quota'
 system: quotas make the end user loose NEW mail, barrendero deletes
 OLD mail, so the new mail is always available.

But descriptions can be deceiving.  Does anyone use this package who
could comment on its reliability?  Does the lack of other bugs indicate
that the software is mature and stable, or unused?  Does anyone know of
another package that provides similar functionality?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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