On approximately Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 10:06:15AM -0400, David Smith wrote:
> i've had cable connectivity with charter.net for more than 1 year. until
> yesterday i've never had need of an email acct there. i planned on using the
> address at charter when the spam at my top-10 acct became unbearable. when i
> finally got my log-in info for the charter acct. i logged in and to my
> surprise there were already more than 200 spams waiting for me.
> my first assumption is that charter sells their users email addresses. does
> anyone on this list know how an unused email address that has never been
> used can have spam without the ip giving the address out?

>From a lot of the spam I get at my charter.net account it seems to be
that spammers just use some sort of dictionary and add that on the front
of popular domain names.  Somebody probably wrote a Perl script and sold
it on Ebay!

Josh McKinney                |  Webmaster: http://joshandangie.org
                             | They that can give up essential liberty
Linux, the choice       -o)  | to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
of the GNU generation    /\  | neither liberty or safety. 
                        _\_v |                          -Benjamin Franklin

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