On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 15:02, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
    Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    > Greetings,
    > Installing a new kernel package can be a bit of a pain, especially for
    > newbies, what with hand-editing lilo.conf or config files for other
    > bootloaders, from grub to yaboot/quik, aboot, palo, you name it.  Yes,
    > the kernel-image postinst runs lilo, but lilo.conf is invariably out of
    > date, so this is relatively useless except for upgrades.
    > So why not (optionally) automate the process a bit?  Use a directory
    > e.g. /usr/lib/bootloaders/ to put scripts for managing the .conf files
    > and running the bootloaders.
    I believe lilo and grub already have that.
    >From /boot/grub/menu.lst
    ## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
    ## by the debian update-grub script except for the default optons below
    There is also a mechanism in dpkg to install hooks now which is
    hopefully already used to run update-grub.

Cool, did not know.  I guess a "hooks" mechanism would be required for
unmodified kernel-image packages...

My proposed system would add user control of menu entry names/labels,
and finer-grained control of boot options (without editing the .conf
files), but these don't seem worth the overhead of such a system.

Is this documented somewhere, or should I just look at the latest lilo
and grub packages to see how to adapt this to other bootloaders?  It
would be nice if this were somewhat uniform (at least to the user)
across loaders and architectures.

-Adam P.

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