On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 03:05:00PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:

 > But sometimes there are fundamental disagreements about how something
 > should be packaged and then it must be possible for two competing
 > packages to exist in Debian

 Says who?

 Debian is not just a collection of packages, it's a tightly integrated
 operating system.  This is a distribution.  What we deem good
 development practices for/of free software doesn't have to apply here.
 As a distribution, we have different goals, we have to make desicions
 that fit into that picture.  Along the years we have created a system
 that ensures that when you install something, it will get integrated
 into the system.  For that we have had long and painful discussions
 regarding "best practices" and long and painful discussions to make
 stuff work together.  We have (implicitly) agreed on the fact that the
 package maintainer is a person who knows what he's talking about when
 it comes to his packages.  If the package maintainer deems it
 appropiate to upload a snapshot version of a package we have usually
 played along.  If the maintainer thinks the lastest and greatest is not
 really such a good idea, we have played along: see the XFree86
 packages.  Every now and then packages of the most recent version of
 XFree86 pop up, but people usually give up when they gasp the swamp
 they are getting themselves into.

 For the small stuff, like gqview -- which I've not seen even once --
 that proposition might work, but it's setting a bad precedent.  If
 there's a newer bigger better faster upstream version and the
 maintainer won't upload it and won't say why, by all means, flame him
 in public if that's what it takes to get an answer from him.  If it's
 obvious that the maintainer isn't paying attention to the package or
 just doesn't care, make a hostile takeover (and be ready to get

 But don't fork it.

 Forking it means:

    * There are two versions of the same thing in the distribution

        + Duplication at the BTS level

        + Duplication in the archive

        + Confusion for the users

    * No visible gain, except for those who have to have the CVS
      version from 2 seconds ago

    * More work for the future

        + What about upgrades?

        + What if the forked version isn't necessary anymore?

        + What about users of stable, who are stuck with a random CVS
          snapshot for good 24 months.

 > otherwise you are giving maintainers the same rights as software
 > proprietors: _they_ control the code; _you_ can't change it (while
 > remaining within the Debian framework) even if you are willing to do
 > the work.

 You don't really beleive that, do you?  I know the control freak mantra
 has become trendy as of late, but that's stretching it a bit too far,
 isn't it?

 I hold that if you do a good work with a alternative yet not in the
 archive version, you can come up here and say "I'll take over this
 without the maintainer's blessing" and you won't face oppossition.  My
 first package was uploaded like that: "hi, I've been maintaining such
 and such for private use for a while, the maintainer doesn't show any
 signs of life, I'm going to take over it".  Yes, gqview's case is a tad
 different, but try to see the big picture.

 > I say you should _not_ give maintainers that kind of power -- the
 > power to stop others from doing a better job.

 We don't.

 > That kind of power will inevitably be abused, and has already been
 > abused.  Every maintainer should face the threat of competition from
 > someone else who thinks he or she can do a better job.  That is an
 > essential freedom in open source development.

 Yes, in software development, but not in a distribution that tries to
 pass around as well integrated and stable.

 > There are already many programs in Debian that are packaged in
 > different flavors.

 I don't count that many: galeon, xnap, mozilla, irssi, gcc, gforge,
 everybuddy, busybox, lxr...

 > These variants serve the needs of different sorts of users.

 From the above list, I can tell you that GCC's case is a good one:
 developers benefit from it, people using certain architectures benefit
 from it, GCC itself benefits from it to some degree.  Mozilla is a good
 case too: their release policy is rather conservative (from my POV) and
 users in general might benefit from snapshot versions.  Everybuddy?  No
 idea.  The CVS version in unstable is, oh... the same one in stable.
 Someone got bored it seems.  See what I mean?  Busybox, I can figure
 the installer people need (to test) this.

 > From reading this thread it is my impression that gqview falls into
 > this group: the gqview maintainer has a conservative packaging policy
 > while his critics want to run the latest version.  Unless one side
 > gives in, this seems like adequate grounds for a fork.

 wget.  tar.  configure.  make.

 The system won't explode, beleive me.


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