At Wed, 20 Aug 2003 19:37:17 -0500,
Joe Wreschnig wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 12:53, Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
> > Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  libtest-unit-ruby1.8 (<- libtest-unit-ruby)
> Actually, I now only maintain Test::Unit for Ruby 1.6. Since it became
> included with 1.8, akira yamada maintains that version, and when 1.8 was
> packaged I dropped support for 1.7 from my package.
> I'll rename the 1.6 package appropriately, though, but I'll wait until
> the Ruby/GTK packages are renamed (unless that's going to take a very
> long time?)

Maybe, akira yamada will do it soon, or I'll NMU.
> > Currently, ruby upstream doesn't support such version independent module 
> > path /usr/share/ruby in $LOAD_PATH. Should we modify ruby 1.8 or later 
> > to support this?
> I think so, but I'm open to suggestions about it. It does IMO make
> packaging modules without C code much simpler. The downside is when a
> major incompatibility happens (i.e. code that works correctly on more
> than one version is impossible), but I believe this is a rare enough
> case to ignore (AFAIK it's never happened).

Hmm, we'll reconsider this issues after transition to 1.8 almost is done,
or after sarge is released if sarge release is on time. 

Fumitoshi UKAI

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