
I'm about to close 95153, 133049, 158040, 165555, 170580, 173331, 176223,
135603, 161659, 165107, 165135, 165351, 171190, 172529, 173663, 174506,
174508, 174509, 192401, 193544, 101725, 122689, 159575, 165126, 182280,
and 189780 with a nice message telling that the bug was reported on a
really old package-version and the bug is really old too, including a
URL to an up to date version of the package, where most probably all
these bugs are fixed.

If you haven't guessed already, this again is about snort stable.

I'm having a huge pile of bugs on the package, of which a lot filed on
1.8.4* packages. I will not be doing anything to fix the bugs found in
these 1.8.4* packages.

Instead I provide signed backported packages on p.d.o which I will keep
'semi up to date'. Still a lot of people use the outdated and utterly
broken 1.8.4 release and complain. Although these complaints are correct,
I will from now on close them and tell the submitter to use my
backported, newer packages or compile his/her own.

Before you object to this rather 'rude' bughandling, please keep in mind
that version 1.8.4 of snort, which is in stable, has 3 severe security
exploits, and is completely outdated in catching crooks (rulefiles) and
detection mechanisms. Not to speak of package stability ;)

It's for the users best interrest that I tell them to use the new version.

So. I will first backport the current snort package again, and then
close the bugs metioned above, if no one in the near future objects to
this 'mass bug closing'.

Concept close-bug-message:


You have submitted this bug to the snort package. Most probably against
the version of snort found in the stable release of Debian.

Because much has changed during the past time, and a lot of security
related things have been fixed in newer versions of Snort, I am now
closing this bug without actually fixing that version of Snort in

Instead I provided up to date, signed packages at this[1] url. You can
put this URL in your apt's sources.list like so[2], to have automatic 
installation of newer backported packages when they are released.

If you feel this bug to be closed incorrectly, or the problem still
exists in the newer version of snort, please reopen this bug.

Thanks for your interrest in improving snort!

Kind regards,
Sander Smeenk.
Snort package maintainer.

[1] http://people.debian.org/~ssmeenk/snort-stable-i386/
[2] deb http:///people.debian.org/~ssmeenk/snort-stable-i386/ ./

| Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
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| A box withouth hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.
| 1024D/08CEC94D - 34B3 3314 B146 E13C 70C8  9BDB D463 7E41 08CE C94D

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