Quoting Sander Smeenk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hi,
> I'm about to close 95153, 133049, 158040, 165555, 170580, 173331, 176223,
> 135603, 161659, 165107, 165135, 165351, 171190, 172529, 173663, 174506,
> 174508, 174509, 192401, 193544, 101725, 122689, 159575, 165126, 182280,
> and 189780 with a nice message telling that the bug was reported on a

Why not just tag these bugs as "woody" ?

Then close them when sarge is released.

This would prevent further bug reports on the exact same subject, at
the minimum.

You may then put the exact same message you proposed to send when
closing the bugs, but with the control message you will send for
tagging the bugs as "woody".

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