On Aug 19, Anthony Towns (aj@azure.humbug.org.au) wrote:
 >      * September 15th
 >              Last major changes to major packages uploaded to unstable
 >      * October 1st
 >              1st test cycle, public request for comments
 >              Last minute fixes and changes to the installer
 >      * October 15th
 >              Final, last minute, low-risk bug fixes only

I have a few packages for which a new upstream release appears imminent (minor
version change, not major).  The packages all have optional priority.

Is there a date after which package changes of this magnitude will be

They are not major packages, so September 15 does not apply.  A new upstream
release hardly guarantees there will be only final, last minute, low risk bug
fixes required, so it would need to be uploaded well before October 15.  If
there is no set date, then I will just make sure they meet the relevant
criteria by October 15.

Neil Roeth

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