Sorry for cross-posting. There are many interested people who only read
one of the lists I'm posting to.

Hello again,
  It's great to see so many positive comments about galeon. Hopefully
1.3.8 will go into stable. [galeon developers - is this likely to be
released in the next 3 weeks, or should we really be looking at 1.3.7?].
If that's not released in a few weeks, I think we would be best looking
at a well tested cvs snapshot - there have been many great changes since
that release (5% of the changelog in only 1 month!).
I'll make a new snapshot package and upload to unstable tonight. I might
then use experimental for new snapshots for a while when trying to get
at least one version of galeon 1.3 into testing. Once 1.3.8 (or wherever
we decide to freeze) is in unstable I will also continue to make
snapshots for those of us who want them and upload these to

  When I replaced the unbuildable, uninstallable galeon1.2 in sid with
1.3 snapshots from the galeon-snapshot package I was sent a lot of
flames (and so was the bts). This was obviously counterproductive (as was
the similar situation happening upstream around the time of the epiphany
fork). That's why I wanted a decision to include galeon to be made on
debian-gtk-gnome rather than taking all the responsibility myself :) 
(I was also concerned about releasing a developmental version in stable
- this is my first Debian release after all)
  .''`. Mark Howard
 : :' :
 `. `' 

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