On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 08:28:40PM -0400, Eric Dorland wrote:
> Luckily, my previous message seemed to have spurred many into action,
> as only 21 source packages have automake1.5 in their Build-Depends
> line, and of those only:
Some packages has been fixed (bugs closed or NMUed). I've checked all
remaining packages in clean pbuilder environment. Those packages
builds with automake1.7 without major changes or does not require
automake during build stage. All those packages has submitted patches
and are patch-tagged:

Package         Maintainer             Bug number
apcupsd         [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205981
krb4            [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205986
libquicktime    [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205987
modlogan        [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205988
pdns            [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205990
xkbd            [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       #205992
xkeysw          [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205993
yank            [EMAIL PROTECTED]               #205995

Please note, that automake1.5 has been removed from archive[1] and all above
bugs are now FTBFS category.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/207085

[...] ja też od czasu do czasu kupuję w knajpie małże tylko po to,
żeby jeszcze raz się przekonać, że nadal ich nie lubię ;)

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