On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:05:21AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
> A proper entry is as follows:
> * New upstream release.
>   * no longer does foo when bar happens. Closes: #12345
>   * wrapper script rewritten to not use $$ in tempfile names.  Closes: #12345
> Please, everyone remember, a changelog documents *changes*.  It's not a tool
> to close bugs automatically.

It documents which revision closed bug #12345.  That's useful information for
a changelog.  It's certainly not worse than saying only "new upstream revision"
and closing the bugs manually.

> The BTS sends these close messages to the submitter when the bug is closed.
> However, the email above has no reason as to why the bug was closed.  It's not
> sufficient to just say a new upstream version was uploaded, which just happens
> to fix the bug.  As a submitter, would you feel satisified that you had just
> gotten such a mail?

Absolutely!  I reported a bug, and the mail says that the bug I reported
has been fixed.  That's all I need to know.

If I report "segmentation fault in ls", I--as a user of ls, not a
developer--couldn't care less about why it was segfaulting or how the
bug was fixed; I only care that it's been fixed.  If a developer wants
to spend their limited time researching how the bug was fixed and
summarizing it in a changelog, great, but it's certainly not something I'd
expect everyone to do.

(As a user, I'd certainly be rather annoyed at receiving duplicate close
reports because someone reopened the bug for frivelous reasons, however.
I get enough junk mail already.)

Glenn Maynard

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