On Sun, 30 Aug 2003, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:

> [I am not on debian-devel but reading the list through Usenet gateway]

i didn't realise debian-devel is gatewayed to a newsgroup.. interesting.

> You may also want to see mount(8) and look for bind from the manual
> page. Since there is not very much about it, I will just quote it
> below. From mount(8):


> ftp.fi.debian.org has the whole debian/ on the same partition but a
> couple of directories, such as debian-cd/, that were previously on the
> same partition with the mirror root are now mounted from a new
> location with the --bind option.  /etc/fstab also works with bind
> option with something like:
> /newloc/debian-cd /oldloc/debian-cd none bind,noatime,noexec,nodev
> Using bind should keep all mirroring programs happy since they do not
> have to get confused when they find a symlink instead of
> directory.

i'm not entirely sure how this helps unless you mean we can use the
above to start moving parts of the debian tree to different partitions
and then remounting them inside the tree..  this would be a nice
temporary solution except that we have a more complicated architecture
as we have a back end fileserver where everything is mirrored and
front end servers that actually provide the ftp/http/rsync services
which read only NFS mount from the back end..

once you start doing loops and binds on the back end it tends to
fall over with NFS structures :-/

thanks for the tip though.



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